Friday, April 22, 2011


Today we were cleaning Parker's room while he is away. Normally at night Parker gets too hot so he kicks his socks off. So we checked in his sheets to see if any socks were there. We thought it was funny that he had 5 socks in his sheets. We also thought it was funny there were 16 socks under his bed.

Here are the 16 socks from under his bed.
While cleaning, Hannah decided to try to keep up with her cousin Dillon. Matt caught her on video. Check this out! Maybe they can start a band together.

YouTube Video

-Posted using blogpress from my iPhone


  1. That is a lot of socks! And I love Hannah's singing and drum skills!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, it! Hannah, you have some serious talent. We really have to get you and Dillon together so you can have a jam session, he would love that!

  3. Hannah....Star search look out Hannah's got talent and she's coming your way. I love it!! You've got lots of musical talent inside and you're not afraid to let it out. Hannah ....keep it up!!

    Now we know where to get extra socks when we run out Parker. Ha!!

  4. Hey, that sock pile is like the one at my house!! You can find them under the beds, in the beds, in the couch, by the television, on the kitchen counter..........
