Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I Learned Today From My Kids...

Sorry, there's no pictures with this one. I didn't take any tonight. I was busy...counting. Tonight was a Swimathon. I didn't know what that was - until tonight. Parker, Sara and Hannah have joined the Lethbridge Amateur Swim Club. It is a fantastic organization that helps kids develop their swimming abilities at their own rate. Tonight, all the swimmers were challenged to swim for two hours straight or 200 lengths - whichever came first. I thought that was crazy. Have you ever tried to swim for two hours - or do anything for two hours? In my mind, if they made it for one hour, I was very impressed. But not them. Tonight, they taught me determination.
Sara actually didn't get to participate. She had basketball. But, I have no doubt she would have shown the same fortitude.
So, I was the counter. I had a clipboard, a pen and a sheet for each of them. We were instructed to count by twos because that's easier they said. There was a sign up by the pool that said, "Parents/Counters - While you are counting, don't get distracted. That makes the swimmers mad." Point taken.
At 4:30, they rang a bell and they started. I actually felt a little upset. Two hours is too long I thought. But, not them, they just kept swimming. After 20 minutes, Hannah got a drink of water. That's allowed. I asked her how she was. She said "Fine! I'm going to try flippers now." That's also allowed. She just became a little pink swim cap back and forth in the pool then. And I kept counting.
Parker did not stop. He had told himself he would just keep going. At the end of each length, he would pop up, take a quick breath and keep going...and going...and going.
At the end of one hour, I would have stopped. I would have said, "That's pretty good! I'm done." But, they didn't. They both swam for two hours and completed personal bests. Next year, they can try and top their personal best because they keep their results.
By 6:30, they rang the bell again. All swimmers were to complete the length they were on and then get out of the pool. I marked off their last length. Hannah had completed 122 lengths (with the aid of flippers). Parker had swum continually and completed 152 lengths. Me, I just counted - in awe.
I am not blogging this to brag about their accomplishments though I'm fiercely proud of them. I'm blogging this because this mom learned a great lesson in tenacity, or never giving up - from her kids. Thanks guys.


  1. I bow down to that! So impressive-and all accomplished without gills :) You guys are teaching more than just your mom. "Stewart's can do tough things!" Great showing P and H!

  2. Wow, That is all I can say!!! That is absolutely amazing!!Talk about positive attitudes....what a lesson they have taught each and every one of us. We are so proud of both of you. You have put the bar high....WAY TO GO.!! I know Sara would absolutely have done the same. I have never seen anyone try in every area she has opportunities....even if it's on a boys team. We are thrilled with each of your accomplishments!!!

  3. That is really impressive! I remember in University, they made me swim for 1 hr straight. Pretty sure I did 90 lengths at the University pool. I WAS DEAD, and literally thought each subsequent length was going to be the death of me! GREAT JOB Parker & Hannah!

  4. That is amazing!! Awesome job Parker & Hannah!
