Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weather Update...

It sounds like there has been some pretty crazy weather around the country this week. Lots of snow and blizzard conditions! But not here! We have almost blown away - and most of the snow has blown away thanks to the "Snow Eater"! Also known as a famous Southern Alberta chinook. When nana and papa were here, papa was asking what a chinook arch looked like and was a little sad that he hadn't seen one while here. So, we took this picture on Thursday. It's not the best one but that straight line of clouds means to hang on to your hats, small children and anything else that can fly because Mother Nature is going to show her awesome power!


  1. Hey Karri,
    Dad will be happy to see what a chinook arch really looks like. Great Photo! Right now outside it is snowing truckloads...and it seems to have no end in sight. I've been sick all week with the flu. I was planning to make my first get out on Sunday as I'm supposed to teach Relief |Society. The weather man might have another plan in store. We're glad you are getting a winter break. Have a good one!!

  2. ...and yet as I type, the snow is falling again! If you don't like the weather in Southern Alberta, wait a day! Cool picture.

  3. karri: (title: it's a mom's life- on my blog reads) is what you're looking for. read her last post re:litmus test for all. you'll love it. once you add it to your bloglist, you can delete this comment.
